CAPE WOOLS SA Projects (2000 to date)

Title Institution Project Leader Duration Peer Reviewed Article Article (Comm)

Development and demonstration of legume based fodder production systems for sheep in the WC (legume based pastures for woollen sheep).

ARC Dr. JM van Heerden 2001 - 2009

Segregation of genes in a divergent selection experiment for multiple rearing ability, using Merino sheep for the detection of putative Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for reproduction and fitness.

Elsenburg SWP Cloete 2006-2010

An investigation into the use of entomopathogens as control option against the sheep blowfly, Lucilia Cuprina, in SA.

ARC & Elsenburg Dr. JL Hatting & SWP Cloete 2007-2014

Development of sustainable medic/clover pastures for wool production.

ARC Dr. JM van Heerden 2010-2013

Development of a fungal pathogen-bait system for suppression of adult blowfly, Lucilia cuprina.

ARC Justin Hatting 2007 - 2015

An investigation into the use of entomopathogens as control option against the sheep body louse, Bovicola Ovis, in SA

ARC & Elsenburg Dr. JL Hatting & SWP Cloete 2009 - 2013

Formulation of breeding management strategies to monitor and subsequently improve low production performance of small scale farmers in the WC region.

Elsenburg 2012

Development of a model for lamb production; comparing the growth of different sheep breeds.

Elsenburg Prof. T. Brand 2016 -2017

Studies on the detection, control by vaccination and the genetics of OJD.

ARC SWP Cloete March 2016 - July 2022

Development of biorational insecticides based on entomopathogens against the sheep body louse, B. ovis.

ARC Justin Hatting 2009 - 2013 LicePaper

Development of a fungal pathogen-bait system for suppression of adult blowfly, Lucilia cuprina.

Elsenburg 2011

“Genetic assessment of South African ovine meat traits for the future inclusion in breeding programmes” as well as “Using Australian ovine genetic resources to assist in genomic prediction of South African sheep”.

Elsenburg SWP Cloete 2016 - 2020 Paper 1 , Paper 2 , Paper 3 , Paper 4 , Article

The evaluation of tail docking as a breech strike control measure.

Elsenburg A.J. Scholtz 2016 - 2022 Article

Heat Stress

Elsenburg Schalk Cloete 2018 - 2019

Johne's Study

Elsenburg Schalk Cloete 2015 -2019

Developing management strategies to improve productivity and sustainability of lucerne in long rotation lucerne/cropping systems.

Elsenburg J Labuschagne March 2016 - May 2022 Article , Article , Insaai artikel WB vol11 no1

The study of robustness in Merino sheep using either Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) information or biochemical parameters to identify putative genetic markers (SNP information).

Elsenburg SWP Cloete 2011 - 2012

Model for Lamb Production 

Elsenburg Tertius Brand 2016 - 2011 Paper

The evaluation of selection criteria for profit per hectare (breeding merino's for increased profit).

GADI WJ Olivier 2004 - 2008

Ram breeding project in the communal areas of Ciskei & Transkei.

GADI WJ Olivier 2001

Establishment of a biological bank for Merino Sheep in SA.

GADI Dr. M.A. Snyman 2007

The introduction and evaluation of improved woolled sheep genetics into commercial and communal farming areas of SA.

NWGA 2004 -2008

The effect of overcoats on qualitative and quantitative wool traits and animal welfare.

NWGA EF de Beer 2007 - 2008

Management of communal grazing land of the wool sheep farming areas of the EC.

NWGA 2004 -2007

Pasture development for community livestock production from arable grazing lands of the EC.

Small Stock Research Trust 2007 -2009

Management of communal grazing land of the wool sheep farming areas of the EC.

Small Stock Research Trust Dr. Derick Swart 2008

Development of an automated on-farm decision support model for sustainable internal parasite control in sheep.

UP Dr. JA van Wyk 2009 - 2013

Validation of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis detection in ovine faecal samples (individual and pooled) under SA conditions using the VersaTrek liquid culture system and species verfication by PCR

UP Prof. Anita Michel 2015

The influence of shearing on growth performance of feedlot lambs under high temperatures

Elsenburg Tertius Brand 2023

The improvement of total lamb output in merino sheep by selection for ewe multiple rearing ability

Elsenburg 2001

Validation of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis detection in ovine faecal samples (individual and pooled) under SA conditions using the VersaTrek liquid culture system and species verfication by PCR

UP Prof. Anita Michel 2015

Development of an ultrafine flock at the Tygerhoek Experiment Farm

Elsenburg SWP Cloete 2001-2002

Gene marking for production/reproduction traits

Elsenburg SWP Cloete 2006-2007

Establishment of ram breeding flocks for communal areas of the EC

GADI Dr. Derick Swart 2009-2013

Automated on-farm worm control decision support 

UP Dr. JA van Wyk 2013

Maintenance of two Merino herds as resource flocks for research and reference flocks for a biological bank for Merino sheep in SA

GADI WJ Olivier 2009-2012

A framework for rangeland monitoring and management within the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the EC and NC

GADI Dr. Loraine vd Berg 2009-CURRENT

Helminth Management 

UP Dr. JA van Wyk 2017 - 2018

The study of robustness in merino sheep using either SNP information or biochemical parameters to identify putative genetic markers

GADI M.A. Snyman 2010-2013

Evaluating the genetic relationsip between body weight, reproduction and body dimension measurements in Merino sheep (Establishment and maintenance of live herds of sheep and goat breeds in SA)

GADI 2011-2012

Biology of mosquito vectors of RVF and their role in maintenance and transmission of the virus in SA

UP Bob Swanepoel 2013

Establishment of a reference population for future implementation of genomic breeding values for the South African Merino sheep breed

GADI M.A. Snyman 2014-2016 Paper

Wool Pesticide Residue Study

UP PN Thompson 2000

Biological Worm Control

UP 2000 - 2001

Genome wide association study to identify possible genetic markers (SNPs) associated with reproduction of body weight in different sheep flocks

GADI M.A. Snyman 2017-2020 Paper , Thesis

Establishment of a genetic pool of dual purpose sheep with premium quality meat and super fine wool under extensive conditions

GADI MJ Herselman 2005

Development of a mobile application for the identification of grazing, invader and poisonous plants in the Nama-Karoo Biome

GADI Dr. Loraine vd Berg 2023-CURRENT

Development of a method for the estimation of breeding values for resilience of sheep to interna paracites, which will be applicable under any environmental conditions, and the adaptattion of a susceptible laboratory population of Haemonchus Contortus to pasture

GADI M.A. Snyman 2004-2006

Genotyping of SA Merino Population

GADI M.A. Snyman 2022-CURRENT

The adaption of a susceptible laboratory population of Haemonchus Contortus to pasture

UP Dr. JA van Wyk 2003 - 2005

The effect of wool sheep farming on the long-term diversity of the vegetation of the Karoo

GADI Dr. Loraine vd Berg 2017 Literature review

The evaluation of selection criteria for profit per hectare in Merino sheep

GADI WJ Olivier Mar 2004-Jun 2006

The upgrading of a genetic fine wool merino stud

GADI WJ Olivier 2000-2003

Investigation into the effect of feeding stress on the wool production of strong and fine wool merino sheep

GADI WJ Olivier 2000-2001

The effect if supplementing pregnant and lactating ewes with high vs. low rumen degradable protein sources on their reproductive performance in the different wool producing areas of the RSA

GADI Jan Hoon 2000-2001

Evaluation of genetic fine wool animals in non-traditional fine wool producing areas

GADI WJ Olivier 2000-2005

A study of the effects of the application of the FAMACHA system on the production traits

UP Dr. JA van Wyk 2003

A survey on the effectiveness of different problem animal control methods in the small stock industry in SA

GADI GC Stannard 2005-2006

Optimisation of non-degradable protein feed supplements for woolled sheep

GADI 1999-2003

The effectiveness of lethal and non-lethal control measures for Caracal in the Winterberg Region of the EC

Rhodes Dr. Daniel Parker 2010 - 2014

Communal sector farming: Impact analysis of the Training & Development Programme in the communal areas of the EC

NWGA 2007-2008

The effects of overcoats on qualitative and quantitative wool traits and animal welfare

NWGA SWP Cloete 2007

Economics of wool sheep farming in SA

NWGA Dr. AJ Aucamp 2009-2011

Situation analysis of the primary wool sheep industry in SA to provide a strategic framework for a more focused Production Advisory Service

NWGA 2009-2011

Sterilisation of Bales of Wool by Irradiation (Disease Free Wool)

CSIR Dr. A. Botha 2012 - 2013

Communal sector farming:  Impact analysis of the Training and Development Programme in the communal areas of the EC

NWGA Dr. AJ Aucamp 2008

RVF vaccine trial

NWGA Juan Venter 2011

Critical Comparison of Wool

CSIR Dr. A. Botha 2018 - 2020 Paper

Predation Training & Development

NWGA Niel Viljoen 2016

Monitoring and characterizing the feasibility of hydroponically sprouted grain in three existing production systems

NWGA Louis du Pisani 2017

The positive role of wool's comfort properties in terms of climate change

CSIR Dr. A. Botha 2013 - 2017 Published paper

Verify the effect of proper wool classing based on the NWGA standards on the price communal wool farmers receive on the formal market

NWGA Louis du Pisani 2016

Production of professional presentation and DVD on predator control

NWGA 2011

Sterilization of Wool by Irradiation

CSIR Dr. A. Botha 2017

The introduction and evaluation of improved woolled sheep genetics into commercial and communal farming areas of SA

NWGA Leon de Beer 2005-2008

To evaluate and demonstrate appropriate technologies for economically sound planted pasture production for improved woolled sheep productivity

NWGA Dr. A. Moore 2005-2006

The measurement and control of temperature conditions within wool bales being transported

CSIR Dr. A. Botha 2016 - 2018 Paper

To develop, evaluate and demonstrate improved veld management strategies in the different biomes of the extensive sheep grazing areas of SA

NWGA Dr. A. Moore 2005-2006

Evaluation and adaption of supplementary feeding for profitable sheep production off veld and planted pastures

NWGA Leon de Beer 2005-2006

Agri Benchmark:  Sheep Local Network

UFS 2012 - 2015

To develop and demonstrate alternative holistic woolled sheep production systems for the various biomes of SA

NWGA Leon de Beer 2005-2006

The collection, interpretation and dissemination of all available date and information on the black-backed jackal and caracal

UFS Prof. HO de Waal 2005 - 2007

Development of national wool production cost profile

UFS Prof. J. Willemse 2007 - 2008


BKB 2016

Environmental Economic Impact of Wool Production

BEATUS James Blignaut 2024 - current

Augmentation of lamb meat healthfulness and shelf life with antioxidant-rich red grape pomace

SUN Cletos Mapiye 2017

Development of a synthetic pheromone for effective control of the
caracal (rooikat), Caracal caracal

SUN BV Burger 2014 PhD Thesis A Goitom

Whole Farm Decision Support Model

SUN Willem Hoffmann 2017 - 2019

Review of SA Wool Research (1988-2020)

NMU Prof. L. Hunter 2021 - 2022

Scientific Assessment: Stock Predation Research

NMU Graham Kerley 2015 - 2016

The development of veld management strategies for profitable woolled sheep farming in the False Fynbos Biosystems

NMU & PE Tech Dr. A. Moore 2001 - 2004

Veld management strategies for the coastal Valsfynbosveld ecosystem

PE Tech Mrs. AC Moore 2001 - 2003

Development of a production forecast model

PE Tech 2000 - 2003

Does short duration grazing and animal impact improve livestock
production, veld condition and climate resilience compared to other grazing systems in a mesic grassland of South Africa?

UCT H Hawkins 2015 - 2018

Screening SA clip for DMF

WTB Wian Heath 2007

Analysis of predator eliminations with respect to predator population dynamics and stock damage

Harrison-White R Harrison-White 2002

Investigation Climate Change

Dr. Heinz Meissner 2011 - 2012

Contamination Prevention Programme

CWSA A Strydom 2006 - 2007

Conversion to AWEX-ID for market reporting (AWEX licensing/audits)

AWEX A Strydom & Chris Miley 2006 - 2008

Evaluation of in-store data capture technology

Webroute P.S. Buys 2007

Promotion wool/mohair menswear: Joint venture with MSA

CWSA/MSA A Strydom & D Saayman 2007

Ad hoc assistance for vermin control initiatives

2000 - 2003

Ad hoc on-farm technology transfer projects

1999 - 2001

Dark & Medullated fibre testing equipment


Data sourcing - emerging sectors


Development of SLD technology for predator control based on 1080

2000 - 2002

Establishment of biological databank for wool sheep


Evaluation/adaptation of supplementary feeding (off veld & pastures) for profitable sheep production

2004 - 2006

Financial assistance to combat Johne's Disease


Impact Analysis:  Wool Promotion


Market education - emerging sectors


Protein recovery from processing waste


Review and validation of the Cape Wools market indicator


Selection criteria for internal parasite resistance

2000 - 2003

User-friendly access system for NAMAD


Does short duration grazing and animal impact improve livestock
production, veld condition and climate resilience compared to other grazing systems in a mesic grassland of South Africa?

UCT H Hawkins 2015-2018

Does short duration grazing and animal impact improve livestock
production, veld condition and climate resilience compared to other grazing systems in a mesic grassland of South Africa

UCT H Hawkins 2015-2018
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