MAINNational Wool Market Report

Season: 2024/25
Catalogue: 17
Date: 22/01/2025
Port Elizabeth

Tel: +27 41 484 4301
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The 17th sale of the 2024/25 wool season took place this week, with an offering of 7 507 bales, after 1 041 bales were withdrawn prior to the sale.

Just under 50% of the merino wools on offer were sustainably certified, with the bulk of the total offering being longer length, fine micron wools.

The market delivered a solid performance today, taking into account that the ZAR traded nearly 2% stronger against the US$. Both indicators returned positive results in US$ terms.

The all-merino indicator closed unchanged on R168,89 p/kg, whilst the certified indicator eased slightly by 0,2% to close on R172,71 p/kg.

A highest price of R250,65 p/kg (clean) was paid for a 3-bale lot of 15,6 micron merino wool.

The four biggest buyers on the auction took up very similar volumes, with a good overall sales clearance of 93,3% being achieved.

The Australian market eased slightly by 0,3%(AU$) this week, compared to their previous sale held on Wednesday, 15 January.

The major buyers on this weeks sale were BKB Pinnacle Fibres (1 392), G Modiano SA (1 302), Tianyu SA (1 030) and Stucken & Co (1 013).

The next sale will take place on 5 February 2025 where approximately 10 532 bales will be on offer.


Key Indicators
SA Merino Indicator Exchange Rates *
Indicator Unit This Sale Prior Sale % Change Currency This Sale Prior Sale % Change
SA c/kg Clean All Merino 16889 16887
0,0 %
ZAR/US$ * 18,47 18,84
1,96 %
US c/kg Clean All Merino 914 896
2,01 %
ZAR/Euro * 19,24 19,39
0,74 %
Euro c/kg Clean All Merino 878 871
0,80 %
ZAR/JPY¥ * 8,44 8,32
1,44 %
SA c/kg Clean Certified ** 17271 17313
0,2 %
ZAR/UK Pound * 22,78 23,00
0,97 %
US c/kg Clean Certified ** 935 919
1,74 %
USD/AUD * 0,6237 0,6186
0,82 %
Euro c/kg Clean Certified ** 898 893
0,56 %
AWEX EMI c/kg Clean 1186 1190
0,34 %
Percentage Difference (Weighted): Non‑Certified and Certified Merino Fleece Wools Sold ***
5,15 %
* Exchange rate values quoted above is based on an average of rate points recorded for the duration of the sale.
** Certified Sustainable Wool: Includes Responsible Wool Standard & Sustainable Cape Wool Standard.
*** Selection: Merino Fleece | MF4 & MF5 | VM < 1,6 | NKT > 28 | >67mm | Minimum of 3 Lots Sold


Merino Fleece | MF4 & MF5 | VM < 1,6 | NKT > 28 | >67mm | Minimum of 3 Lots Sold
Percentage Difference Between All Non-Certified and Certified Merino Fleece Wools Sold (Average Price) - 202417
Micron Category 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0
Non-Certified Wool (R) Clean 0,00 0,00 179,89 175,91 171,44 169,76 166,49 162,42 160,56 161,28 154,29
Certified Wool (R) Clean 205,60 201,65 192,42 187,01 180,36 176,86 174,77 172,83 170,73 170,77 166,00
% Difference - -
6,97 %
6,31 %
5,20 %
4,18 %
4,97 %
6,41 %
6,33 %
5,88 %
7,59 %
Merino Wool Indicator excluding Certified Certified Wools (R/kg Clean) 0,00
* Certified Sustainable Wool: Includes Responsible Wool Standard & Sustainable Cape Wool Standard.


* Certified Sustainable Wool (Bales)
% Share **
Total All Wool Merino Wool
Offered 2 969 35,7 % 47,8 %
Sold 2 939 37,5 % 47,5 %
* Certified Sustainable Wool: Includes Responsible Wool Standard & Sustainable Cape Wool Standard.
** Calculated on unique sustainable standard identifiers


Sale Statistics (Greasy)
This Sale Accumulative
This Week Previous Week This Season Previous Season (202317)
Turnover (R) 92 500 291 99 327 642 1 929 798 102 1 814 582 398
# Bales 7 007 7 918 136 273 122 977
Mass (kg) 1 057 997 1 192 149 20 713 411 18 716 890


Wool Receivals Declared (Greasy)
Current Season Mass (kg) Previous Season Mass (kg) % Change (Y-o-Y)
2024/25 28 115 574 2023/24 30 317 376
7,3 %


Offering Analysis (Bales)
Description Catalogue Offering Withdrawn before Sale Wool Offered Withdrawn during Sale Passed Not Sold Sold % Sold
BKB 5059 795 4 264 83 64 276 3 905 91,58 %
CMW 1967 140 1 827 1 59 62 1 764 96,55 %
JLW 671 0 671 0 0 3 668 99,55 %
MAS 684 0 684 0 2 2 682 99,71 %
QWB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN %
VLW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN %
This Week 8381 935 7 446 84 125 343 7 019 94,27 %
Previous Week 9313 982 8 331 1 233 412 7 918 95,04 %


Buyer Purchases (Bales - Greasy)
Company This Sale % Share Bales (YTD)
BKB Pinnacle Fibres 1 392 19,87 % 30 706
G Modiano SA 1 302 18,58 % 29 483
Tianyu SA 1 030 14,7 % 21 962
Stucken & Co 1 013 14,46 % 14 750
Standard Wool SA 890 12,7 % 20 654
Lempriere SA 713 10,18 % 8 609
Segard Masurel SA 580 8,28 % 8 606
VBC Wool SA 85 1,21 % 1 501
Connacher Wool & Mohair 2 0,03 % 2


Sale Analysis (Length, Micron & Class - Bales)
This Sale Previous Sale Accumulative
Offered Sold % Sold Offered Sold % Sold Offered Sold % Sold
All Wool
Long 4 536 4 324 95,33 % 5 192 5 027 96,82 % 84 583 83 572 98,8 %
Medium 2 228 2 130 95,6 % 2 585 2 441 94,43 % 43 373 42 278 97,48 %
Short 519 433 83,43 % 503 430 85,49 % 10 147 9 682 95,42 %
Mixed 89 49 55,06 % 35 18 51,43 % 1 782 410 23,01 %
Fine Wool: =< 20 Micron 4 857 4 639 95,51 % 5 149 4 977 96,66 % 90 108 87 964 97,62 %
Medium: 20.1 to 22 1 941 1 816 93,56 % 2 259 2 179 96,46 % 39 299 38 009 96,72 %
Strong: 22.1 to 24 469 355 75,69 % 572 467 81,64 % 7 842 7 430 94,75 %
Over Strong: > 24.1 240 197 82,08 % 351 295 84,05 % 3 117 2 870 92,08 %
Fleeces 5 303 5 066 95,53 % 5 990 5 786 96,59 % 105 165 103 542 98,46 %
Bellies 919 866 94,23 % 1 040 959 92,21 % 12 217 11 927 97,63 %
Pieces 591 576 97,46 % 715 692 96,78 % 12 512 12 338 98,61 %
Locks 470 379 80,64 % 535 461 86,17 % 8 208 7 726 94,13 %
Other 224 120 53,57 % 51 20 39,22 % 2 264 740 32,69 %


Analysis of Bales Sold (Micron, Length & Style)
<=18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 >=22.5
Long 186 360 572 994 713 438 270 132 108 41
Medium 115 216 276 331 402 184 137 77 45 57
Short 81 82 58 39 34 23 19 5 7 3
Mixed 0 0 0 0 6 11 0 9 0 0
Style (AWEX)
Style 4 & Better 83 164 197 275 181 159 155 50 40 12
Style 5 198 350 328 622 379 231 97 71 40 27
Style 6 96 133 359 425 550 226 155 78 61 35
Style 7 & Poorer 5 11 22 41 39 29 19 15 19 27


Average price of Wool Sold (Micron, Style & Length - Clean)
17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0
Merino Fleece, AWEX Style 4 - MF4
40 mm Non-Certified 0,00 0,00 154,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 0,00 162,20 0,00 159,16 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 142,52 0,00
50 mm Non-Certified 0,00 0,00 165,05 0,00 161,41 155,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 187,12 182,80 0,00 169,61 163,69 0,00 161,06 151,20 0,00 148,63 0,00
60 mm Non-Certified 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 171,35 163,02 159,21 0,00 158,43 149,87 154,13
Certified 0,00 195,97 184,73 179,99 179,63 175,23 172,82 169,61 163,72 159,56 153,47
70 mm Non-Certified 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 175,48 167,99 0,00 166,97 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 207,73 203,39 199,29 187,35 181,16 176,80 174,33 172,57 169,40 172,19 157,07
80 mm Non-Certified 0,00 0,00 182,46 0,00 0,00 0,00 163,09 163,15 160,86 0,00 0,00
Certified 203,55 201,09 191,94 186,65 179,68 176,79 174,50 172,81 170,10 169,90 159,81
Merino Fleece, AWEX Style 5 - MF5
40 mm Non-Certified 0,00 136,62 152,91 0,00 142,22 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 150,46 158,08 0,00 0,00 0,00 144,09 123,08 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
50 mm Non-Certified 0,00 162,64 169,09 142,88 0,00 155,48 147,21 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 161,02 170,84 0,00 166,75 159,00 0,00 0,00
60 mm Non-Certified 193,34 186,34 174,29 168,16 165,93 144,68 162,94 154,63 153,13 146,61 0,00
Certified 198,09 188,57 182,47 180,79 178,09 166,93 166,57 0,00 160,34 154,99 0,00
70 mm Non-Certified 195,62 184,56 173,31 171,76 168,26 161,42 159,33 158,32 157,02 157,18 154,55
Certified 0,00 192,78 182,16 177,23 178,40 170,36 168,95 172,21 166,42 0,00 0,00
80 mm Non-Certified 180,08 187,35 180,97 173,57 166,87 164,79 161,92 161,87 160,56 147,77 0,00
Certified 200,83 196,87 186,59 171,97 178,62 169,32 174,16 169,60 163,05 155,21 0,00
Merino Fleece, AWEX Style 6 - MF6
40 mm Non-Certified 0,00 0,00 0,00 138,69 133,91 0,00 122,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 128,76 0,00 0,00 120,48 0,00 0,00 0,00
50 mm Non-Certified 167,91 0,00 149,79 0,00 0,00 122,92 0,00 113,10 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
60 mm Non-Certified 166,93 179,89 150,71 152,26 152,33 127,22 146,78 145,86 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 0,00 0,00 0,00 151,54 137,18 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
70 mm Non-Certified 185,67 176,03 163,19 156,43 146,01 144,38 151,45 140,10 0,00 157,17 0,00
Certified 0,00 181,82 155,13 147,80 152,62 148,36 153,85 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
80 mm Non-Certified 0,00 0,00 177,37 160,93 160,83 140,79 154,29 153,13 0,00 0,00 0,00
Certified 0,00 200,73 169,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
* Certified Sustainable Wool: Includes Responsible Wool Standard & Sustainable Cape Wool Standard.


Market Indicators


Market Indicators - South Africa and Australia


Micron Category Comparisons - South Africa VS Australia


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